I love the actor’s work. Having trained as an actor I know what it feels like to expose yourself on the stage and for the screen.

Often for very little in return and for limited acknowledgement and recognition.

This is not a nice thing you experienced.

  • You deserved more.


Undoubtedly, as you have embarked on the journey to become an actor, you have come across many people cautioning you against it. Possibly this is the moment to heed their warning and decide to stay safe and secure.

I hope you don’t.

I hope you follow the desire and see it to the end.

Because when you receive the right training to do it right and well, you will experience what very few other things in life can give you: The profoundly liberating experience of living in someone else’s shoes.


It is profound to be able to live a day in someone else’s shoes. In a world where many are beginning to realise the importance of understanding without judgement what it means to be someone else, acting is a revelatory tool.

More than understanding intellectually, acting invites you to embody somebody else’s experience. By so doing, you the actor, through your enchanted work, show audiences that they too may be transported into other worlds and other lives.

Your work, in bringing yourself closer to the character sheds a guiding light for your audiences. It lights the path towards their desires, away from what they wish to leave behind. You have great power to create beauty, to inspire change, to open conversations, in short: to change lives.

  • And yet your training often lacked deep insight into how to make you a changemaker.



I have great respect for the real actor. The individual who is in this to create beauty, to inspire change, to say something about the human condition, to change lives. I am in awe of the actor who having found a voice uses it loudly and without shame or fear to say something about the world around them through their craft.

I am an acting coach for the changemakers.

I am committed to empowering real actors to succeed. I wish to give them the mental strength, the inspired mindset, the behavioural tools, and the technical knowhow to succeed.

Change means breaking. It means undoing something. Challenging something. And when you begin the journey of being a changemaker, some things will need to be changed in you. Your thoughts, your behaviours, your feelings.

My approach is bona fide an approach to change you. After we identify down to the granular level what prevents you from self-actualising, we will design a mechanism for change. From this new changed elevated new you, you will now be empowered to succeed.

-Fay Beck



The studio is a one of a kind training destination. It offers ready to watch acting Masterclasses, Short Courses and Bespoke Coaching with myself and trusted colleagues.

A common philosophy runs through our teaching material and our approach:

Teaching sound TECHNIQUE enabling excellence in the craft of acting.

Sharing rare insight into the BUSINESS OF ACTING AND ACTING AS A CAREER so you can make the best choices for you.

Training you to have an EMPOWERED MINDSET to further aid advancement and to foster wellbeing and mental strength.

Breaking habits and adjusting BEHAVIOUR AND ACTION so that the system of knowledge and mindset can work effectively upwards towards success!


Fay has a wonderful way of always explaining with examples, making her exercises clear and accessible for everyone. She is patient, incisive and direct – but without loosing any important warmth or humour. This allowed me to get further in less time and took ego and self doubt out of the equation. I’d recommend anyone to take a class with her. A session with Fay is an assurance that you’re in safe hands, with someone who has your best interests at heart.

Simon Lyshon

No. 1

Things to note about working with me:

I am warm and compassionate but also challenging. I recognise and warmly empathise with you. But if we stop at this, you will remain stationary in your progress. So, I invite you and challenge you to take things to the next level. However fast or slow we proceed will be your call; we just have to keep moving.

No. 2

Things to note about working with me:

I am direct but not confronting. Clients may often need praise and encouragement. I believe these really only work when genuine effort is being applied. Undue commendations can harm your development and growth.

No. 3

Things to note about working with me:

I provide a security net for you to step outside your safety zone. Change occurs when you step outside what is comfortable. This is a fact about how human bodies and minds work. I will help you by providing a secure groundwork - the result of my experience and formal training - for you to step outside what is familiar.

No. 4

Things to note about working with me:

I am a facilitator and guide for your effort. I'd like to be your sounding board and your guide as we navigate and imagine your future. It is you however who must put in the hard work. I hope to give you cutting edge knowledge and effective skills to acquire what you want and succeed in your field. If you don't put in the effort required though, those tools will not be of any use.

No. 5

Things to note about working with me:

I believe transformation is possible through structural changes in behaviour. A positive mindset is much coveted in our society. A positive mindset is only good for you if it enables you to do things better. Otherwise, seeking positivity can become unhealthy and lead to delusions or false beliefs. I advocate real change over a positivity. Swap a 'positive' mindset for an 'Empowered' one, then you will truly be on your way to growth and success.

No. 6

Things to note about working with me:

I am diligent and thorough and believe you should try it also. Often the clues we need are in the fine print so to speak. In any field, as much as in aspect of your life, your ability to look thoroughly and assess diligently will furnish you with the answers you need.

No. 7

Things to note about working with me:

I am moved by your efforts and your desire for change. I am a trained actress so my emotions are at my fingertips, ready for use. (Or not!). I will get excited by your transformation, I will be moved by your efforts and will share that with you. If that's ok with you!

No. 8

Things to note about working with me:

I believe in excellence and beauty. I won't hold back from using these words. I am guided by excellence and moved by beauty which are in many ways connected. Together we will work towards excellence and will endeavour to create beauty, either in your work or in you.

No. 9

Things to note about working with me:

I acknowledge and commend effort as much as result. We are so focused on results these days that we forget to truly see our progress, our struggle and the amazing effort we have put in to get somewhere different. I'll keep reminding you to look at these!